Day 11 in #100daysofcode challenge

Day 11 in #100daysofcode challenge


2 min read

Today is day 11, I have bunked my classes just so I could get some extra time working on the app. But time is never enough, I guess I will have to cut an hour of sleep for the next few days. I mostly did flutter today Let's jump to the main content.

What did I learn today?


A text field lets the user enter text, either with a hardware keyboard or with an onscreen keyboard. A Formfield widget maintains the current state of the form field so that updates and validation errors are visually reflected in the UI. So combining both of them, we get a widget TextFormField i.e FormField that contains a Textfield. Given screenshot here has the email & password as Textformfields


Boxfit class is a set of options that determines how an image should be resized and positioned inside a container. It’s commonly used with the image widget to control how the image appears within a specific area. It can have several values specifying how should an image appear , You can see a few examples here :

You can learn more about them here : Boxfitdocs


In Flutter, the element's screens or pages are called routes. You can shift to different routes(pages) in the apps using Navigator, more on that tomorrow. You should first initialize what a specific route does. For example, the initial route will be the home page, here's a sample code to give a better understanding.

Oh please don't my editing skills, I could do better but I am lazy.

Okay fellas, Done for the day I got a lot more to say but I am tired and I need to study for tomorrow's test as well ... Wish me luck

Thank you for reading the blog ... Have a nice day!