Day 3 in #100daysofcode challenge

Day 3 in #100daysofcode challenge


2 min read

Today is day 3 of 100, I have no idea how I woke up early and did attend all the lectures in college . My college drained all my energy , but Idk somehow I managed to myself back on my desk , and continued to my challenege .

what did I learn today?


Hashing is a technique or process of mapping keys, and values into the hash table by using a hash function. It is done for faster access to elements. The efficiency of mapping depends on the efficiency of the hash function used. It is a advanced data structure concept , I had it in my practicals today ...really interesting. I'll start indepth learning of all of these ,once I get done with c++ .

2.Operator Overloading:

I overlooked inheritance since I already went through it in depth last week before my college exams plus I didnt wanted to waste more time. Jumped to Operator Overloading , all of different types of declarations and calling , pushed the codes on GitHub repository try checking that out .


A part of generic programming(generalized forms for specific inputs), Templates are a very useful feature in c++. Learnt about Template classes and their use cases , exercise on template was quite easy , but I had no time and energy left to complete that today thanks to my upcoming unit tests.

After templates, and completing assignemnts due tomorrow I seriously have no time left; but I writing blog anywise has became something I like in these three days.

Thank you for going through my day 3 dump, see you tomorrow.

Have a nice day!