Day 36 in #100daysofcode challenge

Day 36 in #100daysofcode challenge


2 min read

Hello readers, Today is day 36 and we are somehow still holding on to our 100daysofcode challenge. Things I learned today are very basic, they are some basic data structures and their implementation through codes.

What did learn today?


A Tree is a popular data structure that is non-linear. Unlike other data structures like an array, stack, queue, and linked list which are linear, a tree represents a hierarchical structure. Trees have different terms like root, nodes, edges, parent node, sibling node, etc. We commonly use different types of trees, One of them being binary trees.

Binary Trees:

Binary trees are trees in which every parent node has at most 2 child nodes to it. Binary trees are then divided into different subparts. Representation of a binary tree is simple, it contains data, a left pointer, and a right pointer.

Operations on Binary trees:

Insertion of the element, Removal of an element, searching an element, and traversing are some basic operations that I tried on binary trees.

Huffman Coding:

Huffman coding is a lossless data compression algorithm. The idea is to assign variable-length codes to input characters, lengths of the assigned codes are based on the frequencies of corresponding characters.

You can get my codes and practice sessions here(ofcourse once I upload it ) - Github

That's all, thank you for reading the blog.