Hello and welcome to Day 4 blog that I am writing at what like 3 am or something, I'll schedule this for 9 pm , Today was not very productive, thanks to my college assignments and test. Okay cutting down this irrelevant info about my day and getting on to the important part...
What did I learn today?
Bottom navigation bar :
I and one of my classmates talked about building a flutter project, He already worked on the login page , it looks very cool but I am not allowed to share his stuff here. My part was making the home page. Even after going through most of my app lessons I still didn't like what I build. I got to know about these cool animated Bottom navigation bar buttons and spent almost 2.5 hours trying them, have a look.
Orders section
Setting section
Home section
Profile section
I tried uploading a video of this, but failed. Anyways doing this was really time-consuming and confusing and fun all at the same time. I really need to get my basics clearer and practice all this even more.
2. Input Output streams in C++:
After that Bottom navigation bar and some maths assignments, I got only 2 hours left in the day So, I was able to complete only one topic from the course about input output streams; writing and reading files from code all the basic stuff. I failed completing the course by February as I promised I need to get that done by tomorrow itself.
That's it, time left is very limited when you attend college regularly, I'll bunk my college tomorrow and get that C++ course done.
Wrapping the blog, thanks for reading the blog drop suggestion to help me improve. Have a Nice day!