Day 6 in #100daysofcode challenge

Day 6 in #100daysofcode challenge


1 min read

Welcome to day 6 blog and weekend has started and I will have so much extra time from tomorrow for my coding session , really excited . I learnt only 2 topics today so today's blog is going be really short .

What did I learn today?


It was one of the topics in STL that I skipped , went back to completing it tofay .Maps are associative containers that store elements in a mapped fashion. Each element has a key value and a mapped value. No two mapped values can have the same key values. Learned a few functions on Maps and solved a coding exercise based on Maps.

2)Navigation Multiple Screen:

This was a module in a flutter course that my Friend shared . Navigation includes pushing and poping pages,Tabs and Drawer , Pushing data between the pages and a few extra things.The instructor taught naviagtion in more than one screens using a Meals App example, I'll try showing my outputs tomorrow stay tuned .

Done for the day , keeping the blog short ... thank you for being here .

Have a nice weekend!